
Wenin is one of the founding fathers of the NRLSCTalk website who's Tuesday Teams Analysis has been a feature post on the site for close to a decade. He also loves a good steak bet!

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2 months ago

Bye bye Manu. Hello ????

Reply to  Boomer
2 months ago

Koula will be popular i suspect. He just might turn Smithies into a r19 starter for me. Wait for TLT i guess but if Koula is fullback will be hard to knock back for 435k

Reply to  Sum1
2 months ago

I believe Manly have come out and said Hopa will remain at FB

Reply to  HC92
2 months ago

Sorry all. I thought i saw something from Seibold saying Turbo to centres and see how Koula goes or something to that effect. TLT will sort it out i guess

Reply to  Boomer
2 months ago

Kiraz or Dom Young for me. Can’t decide.

Reply to  LateRingIn
2 months ago

Already got Dom Manu was very good at setting up Dom, so Dom may not reach big heights anymore

Reply to  Boomer
2 months ago

So long as Connor Watson does not play inside him, haha.

Temple Guard
2 months ago

No info given here… not sure what Wenin expects for us…. was way better before…. we know SC seems to have forgot to tell Wenin… YOU MEANT TO GIVE INFO & INSIDES!!! instead Wenin stuffed around with the site and left everybody hanging… very sad ;-(
My escape Route is… https://discord.gg/4SASNY9U
Great Chat and the Admin doesn’t hide either TU Michael

Last edited 2 months ago by Temple Guard
Reply to  Temple Guard
2 months ago

I think anyone left here is frustrated at what could have been this year TG. The site administrators were jack of the demands of starting several new chat pages weekly and after many years it was their call. This year was a slow boil but the site just got a bit of rhythm going working from a single page all year. For whatever reason the administrators started to put new pages up randomly with no theme i can follow or any explanation of whats happening. It seems 98% of people who had come back are now gone again. I’m not… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Sum1
Reply to  Sum1
2 months ago

I’m in the same boat Sum1. I don’t use any social media. Have never been interested in having FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. Keyboard warriors are such a waste of space and I just can’t be bothered with their negativity. It was the reason I never joined a discord before because the feedback was that it was full of those very people. I have a good real life and just want to enjoy my SC. But as this site was wound down I decided to try Michael’s discord and have to say that so far it’s been enjoyable and very similar… Read more »

Reply to  Magpies4Eva007
2 months ago

The invite just tells me how many people are in the group but i am unable to join. When i click “accept invite” It just says “whoops unable to accept”

Reply to  Sum1
2 months ago

Hmm I’m not too sure. Try again later. It’s a pretty good site with different forums for trade chat, captain chat, gameday chat etc. And its free. SC Playbook has a popular what’s app chat group but you need to pay to access. It’s $30 for the rest of the year ATM. Members include 19 of the top 20 current supercoaches. NRL Supercoach Champions also has a Patreons discord which is also a paid access. Not sure of the price.

Reply to  Sum1
2 months ago

https://discord.gg/Ps65FGAn maybe try this, invites expire so hopefully this one works

Reply to  zooperdooper32
2 months ago

I’m in, Thanks for your help. It would only work after i was logged in already in a separate tab

Last edited 2 months ago by Sum1
Reply to  Temple Guard
2 months ago

We got what we asked for with the site winding down. Its been ok IMO. Have to admit I haven’t been here as much maybe because I haven’t been going great and haven’t had much of value to share. I still trust opinion from here more so than others.

Reply to  Temple Guard
2 months ago

In fairness to Wenin it was a free site giving a ton of SC related info and a healthy, positive forum for us tragics to share our thoughts. I think we took for granted the effort that was put in by Wenin and co to keep the site going. It was enormous. I’m sad the site has wound down but I can’t blame Wenin for deciding he can longer devote the necessary time and resources to keep it going the way it was. It was just unfortunate that just as the regulars were starting to flock back that Wenin had… Read more »

Reply to  Magpies4Eva007
2 months ago

Agree Magpie. We are all very gracious for the time administrators spent over the years on this site. Their countless hours were appreciated by thousands.
It is just disappointing when it your only option and you don’t know who or what will be there next week.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sum1
2 months ago

It looks like R17 may never end.

2 months ago

Round 18
The Magic Number for Round 18 is 9524, up significantly from 9232 for Round 17 making Break Evens a lot easier to attain.
To calculate a player’s Break Even (BE) use the following formula:-
BE = ((Player’s current salary ÷ magic number) x 3) – sum (last score + 2nd last score)
e.g. Hynes = ((741,300 ÷ 9524) x 3) – sum (48 + 68) = 118

Reed Baloney
Reed Baloney
2 months ago

Who goes?
TU- Xerri
TD- Faalogo

Reply to  Reed Baloney
2 months ago

Both need to go. Xerri can probably stay another week.

Reed Baloney
Reed Baloney
2 months ago

TU- Josh King
TD- Matto

Reply to  Reed Baloney
2 months ago

is that a draft question? I don’t like either but Matto plays rd19 so probably him. At this stage of the season I would be trying to target guns for the run home.

Reed Baloney
Reed Baloney
Reply to  gippyflipo
2 months ago

Thanks Gippy. Not Draft. Just after a semi decent back up 2RF without using another trade. King finding form perhaps and Matto more mins was my thinking

Reply to  Reed Baloney
2 months ago

King won’t score every week and I wouldn’t trust Baz with any forward rotations at the Eels. He seems to be playing musical chairs. Plus Matto is probably 1 HIA away from giving it up.

King Dribble
King Dribble
2 months ago

Play S.Hughes over T.May in FRF…???

Reply to  King Dribble
2 months ago

Given its a milestone game for JWH this weekend (most capped Roosters player I believe) their minutes this week could be similar. Hughes could play anything between 25 minutes to 50 minutes. Personally I prefer the upside of May if they play similar minutes. Unfortunately trying to pick Ciraldo’s team strategy is near impossible.

Reply to  King Dribble
2 months ago

Based on full player bye period rounds so far May plays 30 minutes if no injuries. R20 he likely starts with big minutes.

Hughes also going well with limited minutes he is going above 1PPM. Toss of a coin maybe look at bench. Last week Hughes got more minutes but I am not sure why that happened. Sorry no help this one could go either way. Odds they both play 30 min and score 38.

Reply to  DNA
2 months ago

Hughes had extra minutes because they ran Taafe on the bench last week plus extra time. Doggies have a 4 forward bench this round. I would go May any day of the week.

2 months ago

Just Me – 1 trade Manu close to holding him but going to Marz instead.

Not overly confident in Marzhew but going to give it a go.

I am weak in 2RF but keep trading Cnrt’s. Made some poor trades recently, this is likely another.

Sams seals
2 months ago

Grant Api
Haas Tapine Fainu faamasulli
Gus Fifi Katoa Carty Porter Chan
Hughes Nicho
Brown Galvin
Young Too Kiraz Garrick Isaako Iro Tago(eels)
Teddy Trell

9 trades left.
Besides Cleary and maybe swapping Trell to Ponga/turbo when the bunnies finals hopes are over is there anyone I am missing?
Carty to Ola/keon round 20 might be my play then hold trades with a strong squad.

Anyone that you think is a must for final teams I Dont have?

Reply to  Sams seals
2 months ago

I can’t fault that team at all. I traded in Watson this week as I think his the best HKR for the run home.